

【新唐人亞太台 2019 年 09 月 26 日訊】民間記者會(25日)公開三封寄自流亡台灣的「反送中」運動抗爭者,給香港人的家書,他們為無法繼續留港抗爭致歉,鼓勵香港人堅持作戰到底。其中一封全文及英文翻譯轉載如下。

6/9 失敗、6/10 凌晨陪我喺金鐘過通宵嘅婆婆同老師,你哋幾好嘛?6/11、6/12 一齊作戰嘅師兄、一齊喺前線捱唔住恰着嘅兄弟,你哋幾好嘛?6/16 一齊嘆氣、嘈交、漏夜狂起水馬陣嘅兄弟、一齊搭紅 van 走嘅兄弟,你哋幾好嘛?6/21 一齊噴漆、掉雞蛋,6/27 朝早律政中心出面落雨擔遮畀我嘅兄弟,你哋幾好嘛?7/1 一齊推鐵籠車、一齊接力爆玻璃、一齊唔怕死拎住紙皮盾衝入去嘅兄弟,你哋幾好嘛?

The teacher and the kindly grandma who accompanied me through the night of 9th June in Admiralty, how have you been? The veterans who saw me through the 11th and the 12th and the bros who dozed off next to me on the front line, how have you been? Those with whom I sighed, quarrelled, and built barricades, and squeezed onto a red-capped van together in the end on the 16th, how have you been? The guys who spray-painted and threw eggs with me on the 21st, and the man who lent me his umbrella when it was pouring outside of Justice Place in the morning on the 27th, how have you been? The fellow men who rammed iron trolleys against the fortified glass at LegCo with me, and who were so headstrong that they knew no fear but to charge right in with their paper shields, how are you now?

好對唔住我陪唔到你哋繼續作戰,好對唔住我已經聯絡唔返你哋,好對唔住我依家淨係可以對香港人講對唔住。因為 7/1 嘅時候我冇幫你哋一下子贏到;因為我嘅逃走令跟住兩個月無數個手足被傷害、殺害;因為我嘅低武力榜樣令你哋被無底線嘅殺人政權所震攝。

I am sorry for not being able to fight alongside you anymore; I’m so sorry that I’ve lost touch of you; I’m so sorry that ‘sorry’ is all I can say right now. I’m consumed by guilt every day that we didn’t settle it then and there and win that one time at LegCo, and that I’ve gone and left my friends behind alone at the mercy of this murderous regime.

假如依家問我後唔後悔,我一定會答後悔。我好後悔冇喺 6/11 就打走喺停車場門口同 CID 握手話嗰晚大家一定要和平嘅泛民左膠議員;我好後悔 6/16 冇幫到梁凌杰義士報一血之仇,而只係口頭上嘆息嗰句新口號「不流血不受傷不被捕」只係鼓吹「和理非」嘅加長文字版;我好後悔 6/21 有份讓救護車入警署向班唔死都冇用嘅狗低頭;我好後悔 7/1 只係喺牆上寫「血債血償」,而唔喺當晚做出嚟。

If you ask me now if I have any regrets, I would say that I definitely do. I’m sorry that I didn’t ward off the lefthard pan-dem legislators who shook hands with the CIDs on 11th June; I’m sorry that I didn’t take actions to avenge Martyr Leung on 16th June but just chanted a few more slogans and wrote a few more posts on social media; I regret it that I was one of the people who let the paramedics into the police station on 21st June to bow down to the good-for-nothing cops; I cannot forgive myself for just writing down ‘An eye for an eye’ on the walls in LegCo and didn’t carry it out on the day.


My fellow protesters in Hong Kong must have matured so much and gone so much further in these past months, and I’m in no position to hope or ask for anything. But I do hope that none of them would ever have to bear this amount of remorse and shame, and to be left with nothing to say but a multitude of sorry’s. Believe me, this is true pain.


I don’t personally know many other exiles and I can’t gauge whether they feel or would feel the same. I just know that I’m just another ordinary Hong Konger, and that I love Hong Kong very much.






