第一屆台灣新聞界國際會議 專家學者集思廣益擊退假新聞

第一屆台灣新聞界國際會議 專家學者集思廣益擊退假新聞。(台灣政治經濟戰略研究文教基金會提供)

【新唐人亞太台 2019 年 12 月 19 日訊】第一屆台灣新聞界國際會議

時間:2019. 12. 27 9:00-18:00
地點:國家圖書館 3F 國際會議廳
台北市中山南路20號 (中正紀念堂6號出口)


今年的主題是「集思廣益 擊退假新聞」。隨著中國政權加強對媒體的控制,香港民眾努力捍衛自己的自由,台灣成為亞洲新聞自由希望的燈塔,必須設法克服媒體環境的結構性弱點,抵制不實資訊的攻擊。



⦾ 開幕典禮

09:00 – 09:30 接待
09:30 – 09:55 致詞
09:55 – 10:00 合影

⦾ 主題演講

10:00 – 11:00 (一) 全球新聞業遭受襲擊
無國界記者組織主席 韓石

11:00 – 12:00 (二) 中國對台灣的不實資訊攻勢
《台灣守望》網站主編 寇謐將

12:00 – 13:00 休息(午餐請自理)

13:00 – 14:00 (三) 打擊假新聞的媒體認證機制
無國界記者東亞辦事處執行長 艾瑋昂

14:00 – 15:00 (四) 香港爭取新聞自由之路
無國界記者東亞辦事處香港特派員 張嘉倫

⦾ 專題研討

15:00 – 16:00 (一) 強化媒體環境 對抗不實資訊
卓越新聞獎基金會執行長 邱家宜 (主持人)
台灣新聞記者協會常務委員 李志德
輔仁大學新聞傳播系副教授 陳順孝
《台灣守望》網站主編 寇謐將
法國里昂大學政治學院 副教授及研究員 高格孚
無國界記者東亞辦事處執行長 艾瑋昂

16:00 – 17:00 (二) 支持獨立媒體發展
台灣民主基金會執行長 廖福特 (主持人)
無國界記者組織主席 法國新聞網站《Rue89》 創辦人 韓石
無國界記者東亞辦事處香港特派員 張嘉倫
報橘 總主筆 張育寧
無國界記者東亞辦事處執行長 艾瑋昂

17:00 – 18:00 (三) 強化公共媒體的影響力
公共電視總經理 曹文傑(主持人)
華視總經理 莊豐嘉
無國界記者組織榮譽董事 吾爾開希
無國界記者東亞辦事處執行長 艾瑋昂

協力單位 : 中央廣播電台、公共電視、中央通訊社、中華電視公司、台灣新聞記者協會、台灣媒體觀察教育基金會、報橘、ICRT、LINE


Time: December 27, 2019(9:00-18:00)
Location: Taipei National Central Library 3F, International Conference Hall
Zhongshan South Road No. 20
(MRT: Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Exit 6)
Free of Charge Event
In English and Chinese with simultaneous interpretation
(Please provide your valid ID for renting the device)

Register here: https://bit.ly/346rdWO .

The 1st Taiwan International Journalism Conference (TIJC) will take place on Friday December 27, 2019 (9:00-18:00) at the Taipei National Central Library in the International Conference Hall (Free of Charge Event, conducted in English with Chinese translation). This event, organized by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in partnership with local media stakeholders, aims at promoting press freedom and a quality media environment, supporting fact checking and media literacy initiatives, fighting against disinformation and enhancing the role of public media.

This year’s theme is “Fake News: Time for Solutions”. As the Chinese regime tightens its grip on media and Hong Kong residents struggle to preserve their freedoms, the Taiwanese democracy represents a beacon of hope for media freedom in Asia. If Taiwan manages to overcome the structural weaknesses of its media environment so as to resist disinformation attacks, it has the potential to become one of the world’s champions of press freedom.

Event Schedule

Opening Ceremony
9:00-9:30 Reception
9:30-9:55 Opening Remarks
9:55-10:00 Group Photo

⦾ Keynote Speeches

10:00-11:00 Journalism Under Attack In The World
by Pierre Haski, President, Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

11:00-12:00 Chinese Disinformation in Taiwan
by J. Michael Cole, Taiwan Sentinel Editor in Chief

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

13:00-14:00 JTI: a media certification to bring down fake news
by Cédric Alviani, East Asia Bureau Head, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and President of RSF Taiwan Chapter

14:00-15:00 Hong Kong’s Struggle For Press Freedom
by Karen Cheung, RSF Hong Kong Correspondent

⦾ Panel Discussions

15:00-16:00 Strengthening the media to fight disinformation

- Eve Chiu,
CEO of the Foundation for Excellent Journalism Award (FEJA)
- Chi-te Lee,
Member of Standing Executive Committee, Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ)
- Chen Shun-hsiao,
Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Communication Studies, Fu Jen University
- J. Michael Cole,
Taiwan Sentinel Editor in Chief
- Stéphane Corcuff,
Associate professor and researcher, Sciences Po Lyon
- Cédric Alviani,
RSF East Asia Bureau Head

16:00-17:00 Supporting the development of independent media

- Liao Fu-Te,
Taiwan Foundation for Democracy President (Moderator)
- Pierre Haski,
founder of Rue89 and President, Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
- Karen Cheung,
RSF Hong Kong Correspondent
- Yuning Chang,
Chief editor, BuzzOrange
- Cédric Alviani,
RSF East Asia Bureau Head

17:00-18:00 Enhancing the influence of the public media

- Tsao Wen-Chieh,
President & CEO, Public Television Service Foundation (Moderator)
- Leon Chuang,
General Manager, Chinese Television System (CTS)
- Wuer Kaixi,
Emeritus Board Member, RSF
- Cédric Alviani,
RSF East Asia Bureau Head

Event Partners
Organizer: Reporters Without Borders Taiwan Chapter (RSFTC)
Co-Organizers: Taiwan Democracy Foundation (TFD), National Central Library
Sponsors: Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Culture (MOC), National Communication Commission (NCC)
Partners: Radio Taiwan International (RTI), Public Television Service Foundation (PTS), Central News Agency (CNA), Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), Taiwan Media Watch Foundation, BuzzOrange, Line, International Community Radio (ICRT)
