CIA任內密訪北韓 蓬佩奧籲拜登續制裁施壓

【新唐人亞太台 2021 年 03 月 16 日訊】讓北韓非核化,是美國重要政策。白宮與國務院15日透露,從2月起接觸北韓,被已讀不回。前國務卿蓬佩奧(15日)受訪透露,擔任中情局長任內,被川普政府秘密派往北韓第一次接觸金正恩,安排後續峰會,取得良好進展。他喊話拜登政府,持續制裁施壓金正恩,上桌對話。

川普政府時期國務卿 蓬佩奧 (2021.03.15):「當我們與朝鮮人接觸時,他們想與我們接觸。我曾被秘密派往北韓,在中央情報局局長任內,與金正恩進行首度會面。我們(川普政府)讓北韓停止試射遠程導彈,很大影響美國和我們的安全;我們讓北韓停止核試驗。我希望北韓繼續在這條路徑前行。我希望本屆政府,與北韓打交道時,能如同川普政府大規模制裁,這對金正恩施加了真實壓力,來到談判桌上。」

I was clandestinely sent over to North Korea when I was the director of the Central Intelligence Agency to have a very first meeting with Chairman Kim. we got them to cease long range missile testing a big deal for the United States of America and our security. We got them to cease nuclear testing. I hope the North Koreans will continue down that path. And I hope that this administration will engage with North Korea with the same massive sanctions regime that we did, which put real pressure on Chairman Kim to come to the table and have conversations about how we prevent a proliferation expansion inside of North Korea.]





