Dr. Chen an entrepreneur with diligence and vision while striving forward in biotech industry
【新唐人亞太台 2021 年 04 月 27 日訊】With internationally reputed biotech Research & Development competence, Taiwan established the National Biotechnology Research Park and recruited those with new-drug development capacity and Dr. Shui-Tein Chen is one of them. Retiring from the Academia Sinica five years ago, Dr. Chen began his additional engagements in new-drug development and talent development with his pension as the startup founding.
Located in Nangang District, the National Biotechnology Research Park is Taiwan’s first cross-ministerial integrated park dedicated to new drug development. In coordination with the national policy in developing the biotechnology industry, the BioHub Taiwan was founded. After stringent evaluation, only few companies were selected out of more than 100 applicants in the first run selection.
Biotech company chairperson Dr. Chen: “The first subject, “An Early Bioptic Protein of Lung Cancer,” was the patent I applied for when I was at the Academia, and AC fungus is (the second subject) for small molecule drugs. The IRB considered that the two subjects meet and even surpass the qualification of park entry requirements, so they approved our entry application with our first attempt.”
This biotech company is under the leadership of Dr. Shui-Tein Chen at his age of 72. He earned a PhD in biochemistry from the NTU and has been the former research fellow and general affairs president of Academia Sinica. With 37 years of experience in fundamental research and a wide range of research achievements. He has transferred his achievements to many listed biotech companies to nourish the growth of Taiwan’s biotech industry.
Dr. Chen: “In my opinion, biotech is a very important issue and I do research step by step in the lab. I hope that I can bring this down-to-earth spirit and carry the way I train students from labs to the biotech company.”
Dr. Chen’s startup funding came from his retire pension. With the full support from his wife, Dr. Chen at age of 67, established a biotech company specializing in the research which is related to natural substances and biochemistry with two core technologies. Dr. Chen further engages in developing new drugs for COVID-19 with the AC fugus extraction technology.
Chairman Dr. Chen: “We treat lung cells or immunocytes with AC fungus extracts. The ACE2 of cells has been reduced to almost below 70-60%. All of the animal tests will be completed in May 2021.”
Being down to earth is how Dr. Chen sees life. He believes in taking one step at a time to accomplish his goals.
Dr. Chen: “No matter how good our plans are, in 5 or 10 years, we are looking for someone who has passion and vision to carry on. So, I need talents who are better and more willing to engage in related research. This is my expectation. Most people at my age, at least not me, would like to travel around and have fun in the rest of their life. For me, I still have a bit of mission to work on.”
Such a remark may have something to do with Dr. Chen’s achievements. Dr. Chen came from a farmer family and spent 10 years to finish his secondary and higher education at the evening school. When he was a high school student, he worked as a part-time at Chemistry Department of NTU. The coincidence made Dr. Chen have the great bounding with chemistry.
Dr. Chen: “Even, I spent one more year at primary school and skipped grades 7-9. Now, I’m pretty satisfied with my achievements as a professor and research fellow. Although I am already a successful person, I have established this biotech company because I see that there are other missions to accomplish in life, so I keep going and have no regret. I should say that, I’m sure this is the right way for me.”
The childhood experience and learning shaped Dr. Chen’s sincere and pragmatic attitude. Those great characteristics helped him extend to innovation and research. With those spirits, Dr. Chen strengthens his team to walk onto the global stage.
Interview and writing by Jin-Jin Li
Photography post production: Robin Zeng
2020-09-11 22:58:17全球疫情蔓延,確診人數突破2700萬例。先前,有專家曾表示,秋季疫情會再經歷一波大流行。面對疫情變化,生醫界加緊腳步,找出解方。台灣目前除了在疫苗有新進展,也有研究團隊,針對台灣獨有的牛樟芝進行研究,有新突破。
武漢病毒起源 美國會調查報告出爐(全文翻譯)
2021-08-08 23:45:08美國國會眾議院外交委員會的共和黨人,8月2日公布了有關COVID-19(武漢病毒、新型冠狀病毒)大流行病起源最終報告的補充報告。
牛樟芝有望抗疫 對抗Delta變種病口服劑通過動物實驗
2021-10-28 21:59:18抗疫口服藥,成為疫苗後下一個焦點。根據生策會統計,全球有700多個COVID-19新藥進入2、3期臨床試驗。其中,1項取得FDA藥證核准、5項為緊急使用授權(EUA),多為臨床上已使用的老藥或研發中的抗病毒藥物,及免疫調節劑與抗體藥物等。
2022-01-14 22:00:19隨著全球疫苗覆蓋率的提升,各國入境政策也隨之調整,歐美國家主推完整接種疫苗後,入境不用隔離,亞洲多國則在入境管制上相對嚴格。美國達美航空表示,預期今年旅遊需求將反彈,3月以後有望轉虧為盈。
中共掩蓋疫情 法輪功創始人:中國死亡人數達4億
2023-01-16 15:25:56中國疫情受到國際關注,但中共一直掩蓋實際的染疫和死亡人數。民間大量一手信息顯示,中國各地火葬場不堪負荷。法輪功創始人李洪志先生指出,中共一直掩蓋疫情,中國因疫情已經死了4億人。
2020-03-22 20:25:12中共肺炎肆虐並持續擴散,死亡人數難以統計。據武漢當地醫生和市民透露,醫院早已經人滿為患,實際死亡人數比官方公布的要多得多。那麼普通民眾日常應該如何預防感染肺炎疫情?中西醫教你防疫 6 招可自保!
《黃帝內經》防瘟疫不難 正氣存內,邪不可干 | 談古論今話中醫(501)
2020-04-18 20:49:592019年11月,中國武漢爆出不明原因肺炎,一支全新冠狀病毒竄出,短短2個多月,造成全球「COVID-19」確診病例數即破萬,以每週翻倍速度成長,是本世紀前所未見的疾速傳播,至今仍無公認的治療方法。古代中醫典籍《黃帝內經》早有論述,但近代醫家各有不同解讀。 今天很高興邀請到全球孫思邈醫藥研究院(香港)執行院長宋和乾中醫師來到現場談「從黃帝內經看瘟疫的防護」。
外媒評價1月防疫表現排名 台灣以82分奪下全球第一
2022-02-08 16:16:23據「日經COVID-19復甦指數」,截至今年1月底,前三名國家分別為台灣82分、柬埔寨78分、阿拉伯聯合大公國77.5分,台灣不僅奪得冠軍寶座,更是122個國家和地區中唯一一個超過80分的地區。
2021-05-04 19:11:23COVID-19肆虐全球至今已經有1年多的時間,除了已知慢性病、高齡或肥胖,是加重病情惡化的危險因子之外,根據《英國運動醫學雜誌》(British Journal of Sports Medicine)發表的1項研究表示,缺乏運動可能會增加COVID-19重症的風險,死亡的機率也會升高。
2022-03-14 17:37:38上海疫情持續發酵,部分區域的酒店已全部住滿隔離人員,官方甚至開始強行徵用公寓,導致住戶居無定所。有租戶從官員口中獲知,徐匯區政府人員集體感染,逾半人員被拉去隔離,政府部門陷入癱瘓。當地祭出「就地隔離」的封控老套,也再度引發網友質疑。
台因應武漢肺炎擬發「振興抵用券」政院 : 非消費券
2020-02-13 07:35:47中華民國行政院會今天將敲定經濟內需型產業、農業、交通相關產業的紓困與振興方案。平面媒體報導指出,經濟部除將協助餐飲、零售、會展、商圈、夜市及傳統市場等5大項內需服務業度過難關,疫情結束後,也將透過「振興抵用券」等相關措施刺激消費。行政院發言人谷辣斯昨夜指出,「振興抵用券」不是消費券,而是如同去年擴大秋冬旅遊補助發放的「夜市券」,消費一定金額可以部分抵用。
上海小提琴家跳樓前留2張遺書 妻子講述事發經過
2022-04-18 11:16:26上海小提琴家陳順平日前跳樓身亡,成為上海封城之下又一個悲劇。陳順平的妻子在社交平台發文,講述丈夫去世的經過。她說,丈夫自殺前寫下兩張遺書,訴說自己的痛苦和絕望。
研究:暴露空氣20分鐘 新型冠狀病毒感染力掉9成
2022-01-13 16:04:39英國布里斯托大學研究顯示,新型冠狀病毒暴露於空氣後,20分鐘內感染力會減少90%,且絕大部分感染力是在前5分鐘就喪失。
牛樟芝國際產業創新研討會 探討永續.展新研發成果
2021-10-29 21:30:50牛樟芝國際產業創新研討會,2天一夜的活動,週四(28日)在南港國家生技研究園區舉行。邀集台灣各界專家學者,共同探討牛樟芝產業未來發展。今年8月,經濟部通過牛樟芝(菇)子實體制定國家標準。對此,業者都樂觀看待。
NU病毒變異威力更大 Delta在日出現「自我毀滅」?
2021-11-26 13:24:14再來看到,非洲出現新變種病毒「Nu」,威力恐怕更勝Delta病毒,引起全球緊張,另外,有日本研究發現,Delta病毒出現了「自我毀滅」的複製問題,引發討論。
張忠謀APEC閉門會議談話全文:公平取得疫苗 落實自由貿易
2021-07-17 16:47:28亞太經濟合作組織(APEC)首屆「非正式領袖閉門會議」,今晚(16日)登場。由紐西蘭主辦,台灣由台積電創辦人張忠謀代表總統蔡英文與會。這次會議,共有21個會員國參與,進行2個多小時的視訊與會。晚間9點40分左右,領袖代表張忠謀在總統府召開記者會。
2022-01-25 14:18:00澎湖縣政府25日表示,因應Omicron高傳染力特性,以及過年期間大量民眾返鄉,將衝擊離島防疫量能,澎湖縣長賴峰偉24日下午與金門縣長楊鎮浯、連江縣長劉增應達成共識,聯合要求中央盡速在台灣本島機場、港口設置快篩站,針對前往澎金馬三縣市的民眾全面快篩。
台生技廠發起植樹固碳計畫 4處戒毒村種2千棵牛樟
2022-02-26 21:47:47帶您看到,台灣生技業者攜手民間團體,發起戒毒植樹固碳計畫,25日舉行簽約儀式。由民間團體提供戒毒村土地,生技業者提供台灣原生種牛樟樹苗,預計在全台4個戒毒村,種植約2000棵的牛樟樹。
《黃帝內經》防瘟疫不難 正氣存內,邪不可干 | 談古論今話中醫(501)預告
2020-04-10 11:12:422019年11月,中國武漢爆出不明原因肺炎,一支全新冠狀病毒竄出,短短2個多月,造成全球「COVID-19」確診病例數即破萬,以每週翻倍速度成長,是本世紀前所未見的疾速傳播,至今仍無公認的治療方法。古代中醫典籍《黃帝內經》早有論述,但近代醫家各有不同解讀。 今天很高興邀請到全球孫思邈醫藥研究院(香港)執行院長宋和乾中醫師來到現場談「從黃帝內經看瘟疫的防護」。
「2021光織影舞」驚豔登場 夢幻花牆點亮嘉義冬夜
2021-11-02 21:23:51「2021光織影舞-光影藝術展」11/1開展,為期2個月,吸引不少觀賞人潮。今年採北香湖公園與KANO園區雙主場呈現,其中一處粉色花海滿布的5米高心牆,搭配光纖花,花與光影交織的心形花牆,打造冬季限定卡打亮點。