MIT Hydraulic Seal Traceability Management System gained worldwide recognition

【新唐人亞太台 2021 年 04 月 29 日訊】隨著數位時代、5G的快速發展,油封需求攀升,商機看漲,而從汽車引擎、醫療器材、半導體等製造設備,都需要油封密封件。帶您看到,一家在台灣經營超過25年的油封業者,透過數據,延伸出油封溯源管理系統,打響台灣品牌,贏得歐美國際指標大廠青睞。

With the rapid 5G development in the progressive digital era, there is the increasing demand of hydraulic sealing components, bringing incredible trade opportunities. From the manufacturing of automobile engines, medical equipments, to semiconductor and other facilities, hydraulic sealing components play important role. Let’s visit an hydraulic seal manufacturer in Taiwan with more than 25 years of history. Through database analysis, it has developed a successful traceability management system for every seal, and gained worldwide renown, attracting attention of Euro-American manufacturers.



The robot manipulators responsible for high precision production process operate flexibly. The  seal parts of “mechanical joints” play major roles in the process.



With the rapid 5G development in the progressive digital era, there is the increasing of customize sealing components.


油封實業公司董事長 鐘啓榮:「(原來)耐使用性是1000萬次,現在如果進到未來5G的世界裡面,它可能就必須達到5000萬次。數據的累積就非常重要。」

The president of the hydraulic seal company, Chung Chi-Jung says, “Originally its wear resistivity was 10 million times. If we were in the future 5G era now, it should be 50 million times. Then, the accumulation of data is deemed to be especially important.”



Data is the key to take the lead in the 5G market. It’s not only the foundations to enter European & American markets but also derived the hydraulic seal traceability management system.


油封實業公司董事長 鐘啓榮:「如果你要跟世界接軌,這個追溯管理,勢必必須要能夠,查得出來你當初的條件是如何,對於客戶端而言,才是一個比較重大的保障。」

The president of the hydraulic seal company, Chung Chi-Jung says, “If you want to connect with the global network, traceability management must allow you to ascertain the initial conditions. It will be a major guarantee for customers.”



Hydraulic seals look like simple but indeed, there are complicated production processes behind them. They must undergo the production process of mixer, ripening, preforming, and strict quality control testing to let them pass.



For a long time, I have demanded myself vigorously. Chung Chi-Jung aspired to connect with the global network with an honest operation mode and quality Taiwan-made products.


油封實業公司董事長 鐘啓榮:「經營架構是建立在誠信基礎之上,才會完整。台灣是有能力,做出好的東西,讓台灣能夠跟,很多世界性的知名品牌,能夠接軌。」

The president of the hydraulic seal company, Chung Chi-Jung says, “A complete operation framework is built on the foundation of honesty. Taiwan is capable of making high-quality products that can be connected with famous and qualified brands worldwide.”



Now, the Chung Chi-Jung team has developed  seals with unique functions combined with many different materials successfully. They expect Taiwan’s hydraulic seal industry to be more dazzling in the new era.



攝影後製:葉錫鴻 高健倫

Interview and writing: Li Jing-Jing

Recording and post-processing: Yeh Hsi-Hung, Chien-Lun Kao




Name: Pro-One Precision Industrial Co.,Ltd.

Address: No. 57, Jing 6th Road, Kaohsiung Nanzih Technology Industrial Park, Kaohsiung

Tel.: 8867-3011682(Rep.)






