
【新唐人亞太台 2022 年 03 月 04 日訊】美國前國務卿蓬佩奧訪台行程,今天(4日)上午於台北君悅酒店發表演說,指出中華民國台灣是主權國家,美國應給予外交承認,中國共產黨所帶來的危險是當代的中心威脅。下午則召開記者會,回應媒體提問。蓬佩奧表示,此行是為了感謝台灣人民,始終致力保護自由民主,這與美國價值共享,台灣也一直是美國很好的夥伴。

蓬佩奧:中共是核心威脅 美應承認中華民國台灣
蓬佩奧籲承認ROC台灣 學者:牽制中共謀第四公報
談烏俄、台海 蓬佩奧:民主陣營不應依賴專制政權
Speech of 70th U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ,March 4, 2022
Thank you for the introduction, Dr. Lai. It’s tremendous to be here with you all.
I want to start by thanking President Tsai Ing wen for her government’s gracious hospitality during my time here, and also acknowledge her steadfast leadership. She continues to be the leader Taiwan needs in this crucial moment of history.
I would also like to thank the tremendous welcome I have received from the Taiwanese people who have created this amazing miracle of island democracy. I also want to thank the handful of protesters outside of my hotel. You are living proof of this nation’s democracy. And, you remind me of home.
I’ve spoken about Taiwan a great deal in the past, especially during my time serving as America’s 70th Secretary of State. And yet, this is the first time I have had the privilege of visiting your great and free nation. I’m thrilled to be here, and to experience your distinct, unmistakably free culture and society.
Now, I know I look a bit thinner than I did during my days as Secretary, but don’t think for a second that’s going to stop me from trying all the incredible food here. I’ve been recommended the beef noodle soup and the pineapple cakes. Last year your ambassador, Hsiao Bi-khim (SHE-oh BEE-kim), dropped off some dried pineapple made right here in Taiwan – it was a big hit in the Pompeo house!
I can’t tell you how I lost all the weight, but that Taiwanese fruit and a little Australian wine were part of it.
Your country is beautiful, with a rich history and deep traditions.
Taiwan’s Achievements
There’s much to discuss today, but I’d like to start by highlighting some of Taiwan’s most impressive achievements.
Your devotion to liberty here, combined with the unmatched work ethic of the Taiwanese people, has produced national accomplishments which are remarkable.
Your free economy is among the most prosperous in the world.
You are one of the few countries that has experienced continuous economic growth during the past five years. In fact, last year you experienced your strongest economic growth in a decade.
Even more impressive, though, has been the character of innovation in your economy. Spurred on by your free market system, the companies here in Taiwan are the envy of the world.
I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that practically every electronic device in the world has something made by Taiwan’s TSMC. Foxconn makes phones, laptops, and so many crucial parts for electronics. The list goes on and on. What these accomplishments amount to is the simple fact that Taiwan’s economy is one of the most important in the world.
The Importance of Free Nations
Taiwan’s existence as a free nation has enabled these great economic achievements.
In light of this, it is worth considering the importance of upholding and defending the sovereignty of free peoples in the world.
Of standing for freedom, together, wherever liberty is threatened.
When we lose sight of how important this is, there are consequences.
Consider World War II – after the annexation of Austria, Hitler did not stop; he wanted Sudetenland, and after Sudetenland, he wanted the Polish Corridor.
He was banking that nobody would stop him, that nations would value their own peace and security more than the freedom of others. That nobody would stand for freedom until it was too late.
Look at Ukraine in recent weeks.
Vladimir Putin, a dictator with no regard for freedom, decided he would invade Ukraine and begin redrawing the borders of Russia and its neighbors with military force. The Ukrainian
people do not wish to be under Russia’s thumb, and they will fight and bloody their invaders in their fight for freedom. But I fear that unless the European nations in particular oppose Russia with great resolve, the light of freedom may be snuffed out there.
And make no mistake, Vladimir Putin will not stop with Ukraine.
He will not stop until he can reestablish Russia’s influence across the old borders of the Soviet Union.
North Korea, under the rule of the Kim regime, will continue to provoke and threaten South Korea until its threats are appeased, and freedom dies.
Will appeasement continue, or will we refuse to concede liberty and security in exchange for broken deals?
In the Trump Administration, we brokered a deal without appeasing Kim regime or compromising the security of our allies. I hope this strategy will continue.
And most importantly for our discussion today: How will we handle the aggression of the People’s Republic of China?
The Challenge Posed by the People’s Republic of China
When the United States opened its engagement with communist China 50 years ago, President Richard Nixon had hoped that the free world’s interaction with the communist dictatorship might induce a freer and more open People’s Republic of China. Part of that strategy was also based upon the Cold War necessity of defeating a common enemy, the Soviet Union.
This approach, though, imagined a future different than the brutal reality which has
developed. Reflecting on his opening to China, President Nixon stated that America’s engagement policy with that Communist dictatorship “may have created a Frankenstein.”
Yet, despite President Nixon’s honest and accurate acknowledgment of the failure of a long-standing engagement policy, few in Washington proved willing and courageous enough to reverse direction.
With the election of President Donald Trump, we finally determined that the time for naïve engagement with the Chinese Communist Party must come to end.
As we've learned so painfully -- and especially you, the Taiwanese people, who have seen it firsthand -- over the past few decades, China did not become freer as it became richer.
We started out by addressing our broken trade deals, but we soon realized the problems were far more extensive.
Consider the current moment.
We should note that China broke another promise. In the “China-Ukraine” strategic partnership, each promised to “offer support to each other on issues concerning national sovereignty and… territorial integrity. Another promise broken.
The long list of the CCP’s malign acts reflects communist China’s vision for global dominance.
The dark future of a world under a communist dictatorship, empowered by economic strength and next generation technologies, has become more and more realistic. That’s why I have repeatedly said, and much of the world is now in agreement, that the danger posed by the CCP is the central threat of our time.
As Secretary, I led the effort at the Department of State to confront our flawed relationship with the PRC – with candor, reciprocity, multilateral coalition-building and principled realism.
We renegotiated trade deals; we rallied our allies to confront the CCP and its predatory economic practices; we recognized the atrocities being committed against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang as genocide and crimes against humanity. We sanctioned CCP officials across the board for engaging in violations of human rights.
We strengthened our military ties with our partners and allies across the Indo Pacific, in order to deter China’s authoritarian aggression.
And outside of the Department of State, we increased investments in our military and began the important process of decreasing the dependence of our critical supply chains on the PRC.
This work was essential to waking up to the threat the Chinese Communist Party poses to America and the entire world.
How the PRC views Taiwan
Here in Taiwan, though, you all have been awake to this threat from the beginning. The world drew inspiration from the Taiwanese people’s profound and realistic distrust of the Chinese Communist Party.
That’s why I keep saying that when it comes to dealing with the CCP, distrust and verify. I have found no bigger echo to that sentiment than here in Taiwan.
The CCP’s drive to invade Taiwan and impose its dominance by force is driven by several reasons, all of which are connected. Understanding these reasons helps us confront the threat with clear eyes.
First, the CCP leadership views taking over Taiwan as the ultimate fulfillment of a decades-long communist ideological commitment. From Mao to Deng to Xi Jinping, the inability to fulfill this commitment has been a major stain on the CCP's domestic reputation. Under Xi, the CCP's ideological hubris has reached new heights, thus making the taking over of Taiwan a necessary mission to not only boost Xi's egomaniac claim of greatness, but to solidify it.
It’s clear that Xi now believes the PRC is stronger than the U.S. We saw this with Yang Jiechi's arrogant tirade against the U.S. in Anchorage during their first meeting with the Biden Administration.
This makes Xi dangerous – the very belief that the PRC could prevail in a confrontation with the United States and our allies makes the risk of conflict much, much greater. And because America is the most decisive backer of Taiwan's freedom, taking over Taiwan would change the global balance of power, decidedly in the CCP’s favor.
Secondly, China’s saber rattling against Taiwan also comes from fear and paranoia.
As I said, Taiwan is a living example of the success of freedom and democracy for the Chinese people.
So long as this example exists, it severely undermines the credibility and authority of the CCP, especially with the Chinese people who are under their thumb.
One of the most momentous events in my tenure as the Secretary of State was to witness the painful death of Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy. Their brutally successful take-over of Hong Kong last year boosted Xi’s hubris.
He won’t be satisfied to stop at Hong Kong – Taiwan is an integral part of the One Country Two systems scheme championed by the CCP.
Making good on those ambitions is central to Xi maintaining his power, and the CCP maintaining its legitimacy.
I mentioned the consequences we face with not standing for freedom. The same is true here: After Hong Kong, Xi will want Taiwan. And after Taiwan, he will want the South China Sea, then the Senkakus, and so on. If we do not learn the lessons of history, if we do not confront authoritarians who have no regard for the freedom and independence of those they do not control, then we will be drawn into a conflict that is far greater than it would have been had we acted sooner.
US-Taiwan Relations
It is for these reasons that the U.S.-Taiwan relationship is fundamental to confronting China and promoting prosperity throughout the region. This is something I recognized during my time as Secretary of State, and it is something that must become an essential part of our nation’s foreign policy now and in the future.
The Trump Administration eliminated all barriers to US diplomats meeting with their Taiwan counterparts. We enacted policies which encouraged greater science and technological exchange between our two nations.
We sold over $20 billion worth of arms to Taiwan, which made Taiwan safer and further cemented our important relationship. That’s something that I’m pleased to see has continued under the Biden Administration.
And we fought hard on the international stage for Taiwan, advocating for its admission to the World Health Assembly.
The United States must support Taiwan for the same reason that Americans defended West Berlin during the Cold War. We knew then that
if West Berlin fell, freedom would die in that part of the world.
I know the stakes here, having commanded a tank platoon in West Germany during the final years of the Soviet Union. Our mission was to patrol the border and deter the threat of invasion.
Much like West Germany then, Taiwan today is a shining example of democracy and freedom.
I am but a private citizen, but it is necessary to change 50 years of ambiguity. It’s about America’s diplomatic recognition of the Republic of China (Taiwan). While the U.S. should continue to engage the People’s Republic of China as a sovereign government, America's diplomatic recognition of the 23 million free Taiwanese people and its legal, democratically elected government can no longer be ignored, avoided, or treated as secondary.
It is my view that the U.S. government should immediately take necessary, and long-overdue, steps to do the right and obvious thing, that is to offer the Republic of China (Taiwan) America’s diplomatic recognition as a free and sovereign country. This is not about Taiwan’s future independence, it is about recognizing an unmistakable, already existent reality. That reality is this, as many of your past and present leaders have made clear, there is no need for Taiwan to declare independence because it’s already an independent country. Its name is the Republic of China (Taiwan). The people and government of the United States should simply recognize this political, diplomatic and sovereignty reality. The Taiwanese people deserve the world’s respect for a free, democratic and sovereign country.
You are the most vibrant democracy in all of Asia and are at the forefront of today's fight between freedom and tyranny.
I believe that Taiwan must have America's support if freedom and democracy still have a chance to thrive and triumph in this region and beyond. This is as important for the Taiwanese people as it is for the American people.
American support of Taiwan is absolutely bipartisan.
Taiwan is crucial to U.S. defense and deterrence. It is situated right in the middle of our defensive parameters, from Japan to Korea to the Philippines in the South China Sea. Losing Taiwan would directly imperil our other vital national interests as well.
With America now awake to the threat China poses not just to the United States, but to the entire world, the intellectual and strategic traditions which have guided you are now invaluable to all the world. Taiwan has the most sophisticated understanding, richest experiences, and most efficient tool kits to deal with its old foe, the CCP. The rest of the world can for this reason learn many things from the Taiwanese people.
In today's global awakening to the CCP threat, Taiwan has proved to be a force for good and an inspiration for the Chinese world. If democracy should come to China one day, our best and most efficient partner will undoubtedly be the Republic of China (Taiwan).
The futures of Taiwan and the United States are intertwined, because our interests are very much aligned.
We are each committed to ensuring peaceful relations and stability in the Taiwan straits, and indeed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. This commitment was at the core of the Trump administration’s approach to this crucial area of the world, and the security and integrity of
Taiwan remains vital to that mission now and in the future.
Taiwan and the United States are aligned according to our values and principles. We both fully embrace democracy and free markets. We believe in the inherent dignity of the individual and understand that government exists to serve the people, not the other way around. Taiwan today is a shining example of the principles of freedom at work, contributing enormously to the global economy, technology, and public health.
Whether in Taipei or in Kansas, the flourishing of Taiwan should be justly celebrated, as should the principles that have supported its success.
We must continue to strengthen our relationship together, and Taiwan must work to strengthen its presence on the world stage. Your economic influence can and should be matched by the other advantages you bring to the table – militarily, diplomatically, and culturally. It is time to step up and show the world what you – and the Chinese people – are truly capable of. This is within your power to accomplish, and I know both the Biden Administration now and future U.S. leadership will look to help you achieve it.
The Chinese Communist Party believes that the future of the Chinese people, and the future of the entire Indo-Pacific, will bend to its will and be written according to its authoritarian dictatorship.
But this is not so. I say this to the Chinese speaking people, both on the mainland and here in Taiwan: Your future is freedom. Let it ring. The United States will always stand with you.
Thank you, and God Bless you.
(新唐人亞太電視 林沛芸 整理報導/責任編輯:張芝瑄)
蓬佩奧:美國應在外交上承認 台灣是獨立國家
2024-04-10 19:41:34美國前國務卿蓬佩奧和哈德遜研究所中國中心主任余茂春,9日投書華盛頓時報表示,45年前制定的「台灣關係法」是美台關係基石,但現今可能已不足以因應美中台關係的複雜性。美國必須重新評估對中和對台策略,汲取1979年美中建交後相關發展的教訓,確保過去的誤判不會束縛美國,而是以清楚理解當前戰略環境為指引,並應在外交上承認台灣是一個自由、獨立的國家。
2024-04-15 20:18:05以色列當地時間13日深夜遭伊朗大規模空襲,以色列國會跨黨派議員近日訪問台灣,並感謝台灣第一時間與以色列站在一起。國會友台小組主席期盼,台以合作為世界帶來和平,自由世界要為自由而戰。
【影音】台灣如何以軟實力優勢 應對國際局勢挑戰 座談會
2023-06-21 21:57:13俄烏戰爭爆發後,台海局勢立即成為各國關注的焦點。很多觀察人士引述中共內部消息或者自行分析後,都警告習近平有可能在2027年之前武裝入侵台灣。有人認為,習近平武裝入侵的可能性極小,但重要的前題是,台灣必須做好準備、充實自己,只有實力才能換來和平。那麼,如何加強台灣的實力?座談影音近期將於網頁發布。
美情報總監:侵台全球每年虧損30兆 中共更受創
2023-05-05 19:09:17再來看到,美國情報總監海恩斯在參院聽證會上示警,由於台灣是全世界的晶片生產重鎮,中共一旦侵犯台灣,會對全世界的經濟,造成每年上看30兆新台幣的損失,而中國自己的經濟,也只會受到更大的衝擊。
2023-04-12 20:33:06美國中央情報局局長伯恩斯11日表示,俄羅斯在戰爭挫敗、與西方的團結,降低了習近平武力攻打台灣的信心,但CIA認為習近平已經指示共軍在2027年以前做好成功入侵台灣的準備。他認為中共並非巨人,面臨內憂外患、危機四伏。
2023-07-03 19:04:11美國眾議院繼上週軍事委員會組團來訪後,共和黨研究委員會主席、眾議員赫恩(Kevin Hern)今天(3日)起至7日,率團訪問台灣。訪團共包括6位聯邦眾議員,將晉見總統並拜會資深官員,交流台美關係重要議題。外交部表示,在中共持續片面升高區域緊張情勢之際,美國國會密集籌組訪團來台,充分展現對台灣的堅定支持,赫恩主席這次率團來訪,將有助深化對區域情勢的瞭解,進一步提升台美雙方在全球各領域的緊密合作關係。
近年最大規模!美眾院軍委會主席率團訪台 明晉見蔡英文
2023-06-27 21:06:13美國聯邦眾議院軍事委員會主席羅傑斯(Mike Rogers)27日晚間,率跨黨派議員搭乘美國行政專機抵達台灣,進行為期三天的訪問,預計29日離台,在台期間將晉見中華民國總統蔡英文,並接受外交部長吳釗燮款宴,就台美關係及區域情勢等議題交換意見。
2024-04-26 19:12:12美國國務卿布林肯一年內二度訪中,被認為是對中共的最後通牒。中共黨魁原先傳出可能不會見布林肯,最後決定從重慶趕回北京,(26日)大動作對外宣布兩人會面,布林肯手上握有甚麼籌碼?美中後續走向如何,來看專家的分析。
台海升溫 布林肯訪越南、日本拉攏亞洲盟國
2023-04-11 20:11:22帶您看到美國外交動向,美國國務卿布林肯,11日將與國防部長奧斯汀在華盛頓與菲律賓展開2+2對話,這是美菲7年來首次舉行外長與防長2+2聯合會談。接著布林肯將陪同美國總統拜登,出訪英國與愛爾蘭,並在14日結束後,前往越南首都河內,與當地官員舉行會談,慶祝美越兩國建立全面夥伴關係10週年。接著將轉往日本輕井澤出席G7外長會議,與各國外長討論一連串的全球性議題。對於美國加大與亞洲國家聯繫,法新社報導分析,這是與中共在台灣問題上緊張局勢升級之際,美國建立夥伴關係的最新舉措。
2023-05-18 19:15:27鏡頭轉到美國,中華民國立法院長游錫?,美東時間16日在美國華府哈德遜研究所演說,向世人提出警告,台灣只是中共共產極權,謀求世界帝國的踏腳石,如果世界不正視中共的威脅,人類等待的恐怕將是黑暗未來。
白宮國安顧問蘇利文今訪中國 關切台海議題
2024-08-27 07:07:25今天(27日)賴清德就職總統滿一百天,美國國家安全顧問蘇利文,在這一天訪問中國,這是2016年以來,首次有白宮國安顧問訪中。白宮官員預計,蘇利文將就中共加大施壓台灣,表達關切。
AIT主席羅森柏格訪台 聚焦美台議題
2023-10-16 12:39:21美國在台協會主席羅森柏格與美國國務院亞太局資深顧問羅峻平今天將抵台訪問5天,羅森伯格下午將見總統蔡英文, 她此行將與台灣政府高層、部會官員及各界人士,就台美關係、區域安全、經貿投資等重要議題交換意見。台灣外交部也對第3度來台訪問的羅森柏格,表達誠摯歡迎。
王毅訪美將見布林肯 拜登提中共內憂外患處境
2023-10-26 20:07:28再來聚焦,美中關係,中共外長王毅,週四(26日)展開3天訪美行程,預計拜會美國國務卿布林肯、白宮國家安全顧問蘇利文,並將與總統拜登會面。外媒報導,王毅此行是替11月APEC峰會的「拜習會」鋪路。
美參議員何文訪台見蔡總統 批中共威脅台灣
2023-04-13 20:49:39中共軍事威脅台灣之際,又有美國參議員訪問台灣,共和黨籍的聯邦參議員何文,在結束南韓訪問行程之後來台,展開3天2夜的訪問,何文是美國參院的撥款委員會國防小組成員,他在晉見總統時說,台美在安全方面緊密合作,希望美國能如期交付台灣採購的軍事設備,此行也希望能了解、加強台灣的防衛能力。
美中衝突觀察 白邦瑞:各種情況都可能發生
2023-06-28 20:12:28美國和中共的緊張關係,今年不斷升級。知名中國問題專家白邦瑞指出,對於未來的各項發展,都不能忽視,美國對抗中共的政策,應該落到實處。
首訪中國 白宮國安顧問蘇利文將談台灣議題
2024-08-26 20:10:15再來看到,美國國家安全顧問蘇利文,將在明天,賴清德就職滿百日,訪問中國,這是2016年以來,首次有白宮國安顧問訪中。白宮官員預計,蘇利文將就中共加大施壓台灣,表達擔憂。
台美租稅協定進度 財長:美財長、國會積極回應
2023-10-18 19:12:27APEC亞太經合領袖峰會、財長會議11月都將在美國登場。財政部長莊翠雲預計率團與會,她今天表示,台灣歷年努力推動與美國洽簽避免雙重課稅協定,今年美國回應相當積極、也有進展,例如美國財政部長葉倫和美國國會,都積極回應。她指出,由於台美雙邊投資額相當,雙邊廠商都希望儘快解決雙重課稅議題,雙方也一直有技術性討論。
美情報總監:侵台全球每年損30兆 中共更受創
2023-05-05 17:48:06美國情報總監海恩斯表示,由於台灣是全世界的晶片生產重鎮,中共一旦侵犯台灣,會對全世界的經濟,造成每年上看30兆新台幣的損失,而中共自己的經濟,也只會受到更大的衝擊。
台美租稅協定磋商 財長:美國今年回應積極
2023-10-18 17:24:33APEC財長會議將在下個月在美國舉行,財政部長莊翠雲預計將率團與會。莊翠雲今天表示,台美洽簽避免雙重課稅協定,台灣歷年來都在努力,今年美國回應可說是相當積極、也有所進展,像是美國財政部長葉倫和美國國會方面,都積極回應。她指出,由於台美雙邊投資額相當,雙邊廠商都希望儘快解決雙重課稅議題,雙方也一直有技術性討論。
聯大開議期間 蓬佩奧將演說挺台灣國際代表權
2024-09-09 13:05:35新一屆聯合國大會9月10日在紐約開議後,前美國國務卿蓬佩奧17日將出席論壇就台灣議題演說。論壇主題「台灣的民主及其國際代表權」,蓬佩奧在國務卿任內曾表明,台灣一直不是中共國的一部分;美國眾議院去年通過《台灣國際團結法》強調聯大2758號決議不涉及台灣,反制中共曲解。論壇是由台灣聯合國協進會UN 宣達團,與美國華府智庫及媒體合辦。與談者包括中華民國前國防部長蔡明憲、華府智庫哈德遜研究所所長華特斯、學者余茂春等人。