

【新唐人亞太台 2022 年 03 月 04 日訊】美國前國務卿蓬佩奧訪台行程,今天(4日)上午於台北君悅酒店發表演說,指出中華民國台灣是主權國家,美國應給予外交承認,中國共產黨所帶來的危險是當代的中心威脅。下午則召開記者會,回應媒體提問。蓬佩奧表示,此行是為了感謝台灣人民,始終致力保護自由民主,這與美國價值共享,台灣也一直是美國很好的夥伴。






















































蓬佩奧:中共是核心威脅 美應承認中華民國台灣
蓬佩奧籲承認ROC台灣 學者:牽制中共謀第四公報
談烏俄、台海 蓬佩奧:民主陣營不應依賴專制政權


Speech of 70th U.S. Secretary of State Mike  Pompeo ,March 4, 2022 


Thank you for the introduction, Dr. Lai. It’s  tremendous to be here with you all.  

I want to start by thanking President Tsai Ing wen for her government’s gracious hospitality  during my time here, and also acknowledge her  steadfast leadership. She continues to be the  leader Taiwan needs in this crucial moment of  history.  

I would also like to thank the tremendous  welcome I have received from the Taiwanese  people who have created this amazing miracle  of island democracy. I also want to thank the handful of protesters outside of my hotel. You  are living proof of this nation’s democracy.  And, you remind me of home.

I’ve spoken about Taiwan a great deal in the  past, especially during my time serving as  America’s 70th Secretary of State. And yet, this  is the first time I have had the privilege of  visiting your great and free nation. I’m thrilled  to be here, and to experience your distinct,  unmistakably free culture and society.  

Now, I know I look a bit thinner than I did  during my days as Secretary, but don’t think for  a second that’s going to stop me from trying all  the incredible food here. I’ve been  recommended the beef noodle soup and the  pineapple cakes. Last year your ambassador,  Hsiao Bi-khim (SHE-oh BEE-kim), dropped off  some dried pineapple made right here in Taiwan  – it was a big hit in the Pompeo house!  

I can’t tell you how I lost all the weight, but that  Taiwanese fruit and a little Australian wine  were part of it.

Your country is beautiful, with a rich history  and deep traditions.  

Taiwan’s Achievements 

There’s much to discuss today, but I’d like to  start by highlighting some of Taiwan’s most  impressive achievements.  

Your devotion to liberty here, combined with  the unmatched work ethic of the Taiwanese  people, has produced national accomplishments  which are remarkable.  

Your free economy is among the most  prosperous in the world.  

You are one of the few countries that has  experienced continuous economic growth  during the past five years. In fact, last year you  experienced your strongest economic growth in  a decade. 


Even more impressive, though, has been the  character of innovation in your economy.  Spurred on by your free market system, the  companies here in Taiwan are the envy of the  world.  

I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that  practically every electronic device in the world  has something made by Taiwan’s TSMC.  Foxconn makes phones, laptops, and so many  crucial parts for electronics. The list goes on and  on. What these accomplishments amount to is  the simple fact that Taiwan’s economy is one of  the most important in the world.  

The Importance of Free Nations 

Taiwan’s existence as a free nation has enabled  these great economic achievements.  

In light of this, it is worth considering the  importance of upholding and defending the  sovereignty of free peoples in the world. 

Of standing for freedom, together, wherever  liberty is threatened.  

When we lose sight of how important this is,  there are consequences.  

Consider World War II – after the annexation of  Austria, Hitler did not stop; he wanted  Sudetenland, and after Sudetenland, he wanted  the Polish Corridor.  

He was banking that nobody would stop him,  that nations would value their own peace and  security more than the freedom of others. That  nobody would stand for freedom until it was too  late.  

Look at Ukraine in recent weeks.  

Vladimir Putin, a dictator with no regard for  freedom, decided he would invade Ukraine and  begin redrawing the borders of Russia and its  neighbors with military force. The Ukrainian 

people do not wish to be under Russia’s thumb,  and they will fight and bloody their invaders in  their fight for freedom. But I fear that unless  the European nations in particular oppose  Russia with great resolve, the light of freedom  may be snuffed out there.  

And make no mistake, Vladimir Putin will not  stop with Ukraine.  

He will not stop until he can reestablish Russia’s  influence across the old borders of the Soviet  Union. 

North Korea, under the rule of the Kim regime,  will continue to provoke and threaten South  Korea until its threats are appeased, and  freedom dies.  

Will appeasement continue, or will we refuse to  concede liberty and security in exchange for  broken deals? 

In the Trump Administration, we brokered a  deal without appeasing Kim regime or  compromising the security of our allies. I hope  this strategy will continue.  

And most importantly for our discussion today:  How will we handle the aggression of the  People’s Republic of China?  

The Challenge Posed by the People’s  Republic of China 

When the United States opened its engagement  with communist China 50 years ago, President  Richard Nixon had hoped that the free world’s  interaction with the communist dictatorship  might induce a freer and more open People’s  Republic of China. Part of that strategy was also  based upon the Cold War necessity of defeating  a common enemy, the Soviet Union.  

This approach, though, imagined a future  different than the brutal reality which has  

developed. Reflecting on his opening to China,  President Nixon stated that America’s  engagement policy with that Communist  dictatorship “may have created a Frankenstein.”  

Yet, despite President Nixon’s honest and  accurate acknowledgment of the failure of a  long-standing engagement policy, few in  Washington proved willing and courageous  enough to reverse direction.  

With the election of President Donald Trump,  we finally determined that the time for naïve  engagement with the Chinese Communist Party  must come to end.  

As we've learned so painfully -- and  especially you, the Taiwanese people, who have  seen it firsthand -- over the past few decades,  China did not become freer as it became richer. 

We started out by addressing our broken trade  deals, but we soon realized the problems were  far more extensive. 

Consider the current moment.  

We should note that China broke another  promise. In the “China-Ukraine” strategic  partnership, each promised to “offer support to  each other on issues concerning national  sovereignty and… territorial integrity. Another  promise broken. 

The long list of the CCP’s malign acts reflects  communist China’s vision for global  dominance.  

The dark future of a world under a communist  dictatorship, empowered by economic strength  and next generation technologies, has become  more and more realistic. That’s why I have  repeatedly said, and much of the world is now in  agreement, that the danger posed by the CCP is  the central threat of our time. 

As Secretary, I led the effort at the Department  of State to confront our flawed relationship with  the PRC – with candor, reciprocity, multilateral  coalition-building and principled realism.  

We renegotiated trade deals; we rallied our  allies to confront the CCP and its predatory  economic practices; we recognized the atrocities  being committed against the Uyghurs in  Xinjiang as genocide and crimes against  humanity. We sanctioned CCP officials across  the board for engaging in violations of human  rights.  

We strengthened our military ties with our  partners and allies across the Indo Pacific, in  order to deter China’s authoritarian aggression.  

And outside of the Department of State, we  increased investments in our military and began  the important process of decreasing the  dependence of our critical supply chains on the  PRC. 

This work was essential to waking up to the  threat the Chinese Communist Party poses to  America and the entire world. 

How the PRC views Taiwan 

Here in Taiwan, though, you all have been  awake to this threat from the beginning. The  world drew inspiration from the Taiwanese  people’s profound and realistic distrust of the  Chinese Communist Party.  

That’s why I keep saying that when it comes to  dealing with the CCP, distrust and verify. I have  found no bigger echo to that sentiment than here  in Taiwan. 

The CCP’s drive to invade Taiwan and impose  its dominance by force is driven by several  reasons, all of which are connected.  Understanding these reasons helps us confront  the threat with clear eyes.

First, the CCP leadership views taking  over Taiwan as the ultimate fulfillment of a  decades-long communist ideological  commitment. From Mao to Deng to Xi Jinping,  the inability to fulfill this commitment has been  a major stain on the CCP's domestic reputation.  Under Xi, the CCP's ideological hubris has  reached new heights, thus making the taking  over of Taiwan a necessary mission to not only  boost Xi's egomaniac claim of greatness, but to  solidify it. 

It’s clear that Xi now believes the PRC is  stronger than the U.S. We saw this with Yang  Jiechi's arrogant tirade against the U.S. in  Anchorage during their first meeting with the  Biden Administration.  

This makes Xi dangerous – the very belief that  the PRC could prevail in a confrontation with  the United States and our allies makes the risk  of conflict much, much greater. And because  America is the most decisive backer of Taiwan's freedom, taking over Taiwan would change the  global balance of power, decidedly in the CCP’s  favor. 

Secondly, China’s saber rattling against Taiwan  also comes from fear and paranoia.  

As I said, Taiwan is a living example of the  success of freedom and democracy for the  Chinese people.  

So long as this example exists, it severely  undermines the credibility and authority of the  CCP, especially with the Chinese people who  are under their thumb.  

One of the most momentous events in my tenure  as the Secretary of State was to witness the  painful death of Hong Kong’s freedom and  autonomy. Their brutally successful take-over  of Hong Kong last year boosted Xi’s hubris.  

He won’t be satisfied to stop at Hong Kong – Taiwan is an integral part of the One Country Two systems scheme championed by the CCP. 

Making good on those ambitions is central to Xi  maintaining his power, and the CCP  maintaining its legitimacy.  

I mentioned the consequences we face with not  standing for freedom. The same is true here:  After Hong Kong, Xi will want Taiwan.  And after Taiwan, he will want the South China  Sea, then the Senkakus, and so on. If we do not  learn the lessons of history, if we do not  confront authoritarians who have no regard for  the freedom and independence of those they do  not control, then we will be drawn into a  conflict that is far greater than it would have  been had we acted sooner.  

US-Taiwan Relations 

It is for these reasons that the U.S.-Taiwan  relationship is fundamental to confronting China  and promoting prosperity throughout the region.  This is something I recognized during my time  as Secretary of State, and it is something that must become an essential part of our nation’s  foreign policy now and in the future.  

The Trump Administration eliminated all  barriers to US diplomats meeting with their  Taiwan counterparts. We enacted policies  which encouraged greater science and  technological exchange between our two  nations.  

We sold over $20 billion worth of arms to  Taiwan, which made Taiwan safer and further  cemented our important relationship.  That’s something that I’m pleased to see has  continued under the Biden Administration.  

And we fought hard on the international stage  for Taiwan, advocating for its admission to the  World Health Assembly.  

The United States must support Taiwan for the  same reason that Americans defended West  Berlin during the Cold War. We knew then that 

if West Berlin fell, freedom would die in that  part of the world.  

I know the stakes here, having commanded a  tank platoon in West Germany during the final  years of the Soviet Union. Our mission was to  patrol the border and deter the threat of  invasion.  

Much like West Germany then, Taiwan today is  a shining example of democracy and freedom.  


I am but a private citizen, but it is necessary to  change 50 years of ambiguity. It’s about  America’s diplomatic recognition of the  Republic of China (Taiwan). While the U.S.  should continue to engage the People’s Republic  of China as a sovereign government, America's  diplomatic recognition of the 23 million free  Taiwanese people and its legal, democratically  elected government can no longer be ignored,  avoided, or treated as secondary. 

It is my view that the U.S. government should  immediately take necessary, and long-overdue,  steps to do the right and obvious thing, that is to  offer the Republic of China (Taiwan) America’s  diplomatic recognition as a free and sovereign  country. This is not about Taiwan’s future  independence, it is about recognizing an  unmistakable, already existent reality. That  reality is this, as many of your past and present  leaders have made clear, there is no need for  Taiwan to declare independence because it’s  already an independent country. Its name is the  Republic of China (Taiwan). The people and  government of the United States should simply  recognize this political, diplomatic and  sovereignty reality. The Taiwanese people  deserve the world’s respect for a free,  democratic and sovereign country.  

You are the most vibrant democracy in all of  Asia and are at the forefront of today's fight between freedom and tyranny.

I believe that Taiwan must have America's  support if freedom and democracy still have a  chance to thrive and triumph in this region and  beyond. This is as important for the Taiwanese  people as it is for the American people.  

American support of Taiwan is absolutely  bipartisan.  

Taiwan is crucial to U.S. defense and  deterrence. It is situated right in the middle of  our defensive parameters, from Japan to Korea  to the Philippines in the South China Sea.  Losing Taiwan would directly imperil our other  vital national interests as well.  

With America now awake to the threat China  poses not just to the United States, but to the  entire world, the intellectual and strategic  traditions which have guided you are now  invaluable to all the world. Taiwan has the most  sophisticated understanding, richest  experiences, and most efficient tool kits to deal with its old foe, the CCP. The rest of the world  can for this reason learn many things from  the Taiwanese people.  

In today's global awakening to the CCP  threat, Taiwan has proved to be a force for good  and an inspiration for the Chinese world.  If democracy should come to China one day,  our best and most efficient partner will  undoubtedly be the Republic of China (Taiwan).  


The futures of Taiwan and the United States are  intertwined, because our interests are very much  aligned.  

We are each committed to ensuring peaceful  relations and stability in the Taiwan straits, and  indeed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. This  commitment was at the core of the Trump  administration’s approach to this crucial area of  the world, and the security and integrity of 

Taiwan remains vital to that mission now and in  the future.  

Taiwan and the United States are aligned  according to our values and principles.  We both fully embrace democracy and free  markets. We believe in the inherent dignity of  the individual and understand that government  exists to serve the people, not the other way  around. Taiwan today is a shining example of  the principles of freedom at work, contributing  enormously to the global economy, technology,  and public health.  

Whether in Taipei or in Kansas, the flourishing  of Taiwan should be justly celebrated, as should  the principles that have supported its success.  

We must continue to strengthen our relationship  together, and Taiwan must work to strengthen  its presence on the world stage. Your economic  influence can and should be matched by the other advantages you bring to the table – militarily, diplomatically, and culturally.  It is time to step up and show the world what  you – and the Chinese people – are truly capable  of. This is within your power to accomplish,  and I know both the Biden Administration now  and future U.S. leadership will look to help you  achieve it.  

The Chinese Communist Party believes that the  future of the Chinese people, and the future of  the entire Indo-Pacific, will bend to its will and  be written according to its authoritarian  dictatorship.  

But this is not so. I say this to the Chinese speaking people, both on the mainland and here  in Taiwan: Your future is freedom. Let it ring.  The United States will always stand with you.  

Thank you, and God Bless you. 


(新唐人亞太電視 林沛芸 整理報導/責任編輯:張芝瑄)






